Kempinski The Dome Hotel 5*

Das Kempinski The Dome Hotel ist eines der beliebtesten Golfhotels im Golfparadies Belek. Da das Hotel über 2 Golfplätze verfügt, ist es ein sehr bevorzugtes Hotel für Golfer.

Die herrlichen Golfplätze PGA Sultan und der Pasha Golfplatz befinden sich direkt hinter dem Kempinski The Dom Hotel.


Das Kempinski Hotel The Dome befindet sich in Belek - Üç Kum Tepesi und liegt 10 km vom Zentrum von Belek, 25 km vom Flughafen Antalya und 35 km vom Stadtzentrum von Antalya entfernt.


Die Zimmer mit Meer- oder Golfblick sind entsprechend Ihren Bedürfnissen ausgestattet. Jeder Moment, in dem Sie in stilvollen und komfortablen Zimmern mit moderner Dekoration wohnen, wird zu einem unvergesslichen Moment.

An bestimmten Wochentagen können Sie Ihren Urlaub mit Live-Musik verschönern.

Für einen aktiven Urlaub können Sie die vom Resort angebotenen Wassersport-, Golf- und Tennisaktivitäten nutzen. Sportbegeisterten Gästen steht ein gut ausgestattetes Fitnesscenter zur Verfügung.

Für den Komfort der Gäste verfügt die Einrichtung über Wäscherei, chemische Reinigung, drahtloses Internet und Flughafentransfer; Es gibt auch einen Tagungsraum mit Büroeleganz für Geschäftsreisende.


Das Kempinski The Dome Hotel ist eines der besten All-Inclusive-Golfhotels in Antalya und bietet sehr vorteilhafte Golfpakete. Wenn Sie einen unvergesslichen All-Inclusive-Golfurlaub in der Türkei verbringen möchten, ist das Kempinski The Dome Hotel der perfekte Ort für Sie.


Die hoteleigenen Plätze Pasha und PGA Sultan gehören zu den beliebtesten Golfplätzen in Belek und bieten Ihnen ein einzigartiges Golferlebnis. Da PGA Sultan ein schwierigerer Platz ist, könnten einige Golfer auf diesem Platz Schwierigkeiten haben. Aber mit seinem großartigen Design ist es ein Golfplatz, den jeder Golfer ausprobieren sollte.


Der Pasha Golfplatz ist einfacher zu spielen als der PGA Sultan. Allerdings ist auf die Bäume und Bunker auf den Fairways zu achten.


Für das Kempinski The Dome Hotel haben wir als fantastische      All-Inclusive-Golfpakete für Sie zusammengestellt. Wir möchten Ihnen mit unserem deutschsprachigen Personal einen wunderschönen Golfurlaub in Belek bieten. Alle unsere Golfpakete bieten wir Ihnen mit Preisgarantie an. Wenn Sie einen All-Inclusive-Golfurlaub wünschen, verpassen Sie diese Gelegenheit nicht.

Von 2266 Pro Person
  • Reiseziel Auswählen:Türkei / Belek
  • Pflege:All inclusive
  • Kategorisierung:5*
  • Datum:04.12.2022

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Antalya Golf Club

Antalya Golf Club is a PGA certified golf club and the golf courses, clubhouse and practice facilities are excellent. The Antalya Golf Club has 2 golf courses Sultan and Pasha, 36 holes, a terrace, indoor restaurant and a bar, 2 locker rooms and a proshop. The Antaya Golf Club was placed near hotels Kempinski the Dome and Sirene Golf Resort. The Antalya Golf Club golf courses the Sultan and the Pasha was designed by European Golf design.The Sultan Golf Course is challenging and beautiful golf course at the same time and it is a PGA Championship course. The practice facilities are great with 2 putting greens, a chipping green and a driving range. The terrace of the clubhouse is very welcoming as it faces towards beautiful 18 th hole of the Sultan Course. The Antalya Golf Club is waiting for its guests to enjoy their golf rounds.

The Sultan Golf Course

  • Black- 6477-7125 yards
  • Gold-5958-6554 yards
  • White-5575-6133 yards
  • Red-5003-5503 yards
  • Grass type: Bermuda
  • Bunkers sand : Brown
  • Hole 1 Par 4 S.I 5
  • Black-407 meters- 448 yards
  • Gold- 369 meters-407 yards
  • White-348 meters-383 yards
  • Red 303 meters-333 yards

The opening hole of the challenging Sultan Golf Course is a par 4. This is the fifth toughest hole on the golf course.Both left side and right side of the fairway is water hazard, also on the right side of fairway there are 2 fairway bunkers.It is 268 meters(297 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees, 224 meters(246 yards) from gold tees, 204 meters(224 yards) from white tees and 157 meters(172 yards) from red tees. The approach shot is slightly challenging as water and greenside bunkers is in play .The green is straightforward, not many slopped and easy to putt.

Hole 2 Par 3 S.I 17

Black-154 meters-169 yards

Gold- 139 meters-153 yards

White-122 meters-134 yards

Red-100 meters-110 yards

This hole was named Surrounded by 3 fairway bunkers and a forrest. It is the second easiest hole on the golf course.This is a scoreable hole but the players must avoid the pot bunkers. The correct club choice would make this hole easier as the green welcomes players to score.

Hole 3 Par 5 S.I 15

Black-485 meters- 534 yards

Gold- 472 meters-519 yards

White-449 meters-494 yards

Red- 430 meters-473 yards

This par 5 was named Gamble since players gamble to play aggresive or play conservative to score. The tee shot is fairly easy since the fairway is wide and welcoming. The water infront of the tee box is in play but it is not a big issue. It is 268 meters(297 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees, 255 meters(281 yards) from gold tees, 232(255 yards) meters from white tees and 213 meters(233 yards) from red tees. The second is where the gambling starts. Players can play aggresive to carry water in front and also the green side bunkers to reach the green or they can play more conservative before the water and then they can do the approach shot. The approach shot is slightly challenging as the green is protected by greenside bunkers and the water on left side is in play. The green is slopped  and two floored, so pin position can determine whether the putting will be easy or not.

Hole 4 Par 4 S.I 1

  • Black-420 meters- 462 yards
  • Gold- 400 meters-440 yards
  • White-380 meters-418 yards
  • Red- 335 meters-369 yards

This is the toughest hole on the golf course as it is long and narrow. This hole was named the Pines as the hole is surrounded by pines trees. Keeping the ball on the left side of the fairway can be more advantegous as right side of the fairway is blocked by trees. The green is protected by a greenside bunker on the right side. The approach will be a long one so a good club selection and accuracy is a must. The green is big and gives players chance to up and down on this tough par 4.

Hole 5 Par 4 S.I 7

  • Black-341 meters- 375 yards
  • Gold- 326 meters-359 yards
  • White-306 meters-337 yards
  • Red- 286 meters-315 yards

This par 4 fifth is named the Dome as players can enjoy the view of the Dome of the Kempinski Hotel. The tee shot is slightly easy if the fairway bunkers- that can be found both left and right- are avoided.The approach shot is silghtly uphill, so good club selection is the key. The green is small but once it is found, it less challenging compared to other greens on the golf course.

Hole 6 Par 3 S.I 11

  • Black-219 meters- 241 yards
  • Gold- 205 meters-216 yards
  • White-188 meters-207 yards
  • Red- 167 meters-184 yards

This long 3 is one of the toughest par 3’s on the golf course.The tee shot is important as the green is big, so one extra club might be helpful to find this green. The green is protected by 3 deep greenside bunkers, which makes this tee shot tougher. The big green has advantages and disadvantages as if the pin position is back of the green, then the tee shot is longer but also it is more slopped in that part of the green.

Hole 7 Par 5 S.I 3

  • Black-492 meters- 541 yards
  • Gold-457meters-503 yards
  • White-439 meters-483 yards
  • Red- 412 meters-453 yards

This par 5 is the third toughest hole on the golf course. This hole was named the hannibal since if the ball was missed both left or right, this becomes challenging. The tee shot is testing as the fairway is narrow and the fairway bunkers on both left and right is in play. It is 241 meters(265 yards) to carry the fairway bunkers from black tees, 217 meters(239 yards) from gold tees, 217(239 yards) meters from white tees and 172 meters(189 yards) from red tees. The second shot is very important as this hole is a dog leg right, so if missed right then trees block the green or there is a possibility that the ball might end up in the water hazard. It would be more rational to keep the ball left side of the fairway. The green is protected by a greenside bunker on the left. The approach shot is slightly less challenging as the good short iron or wedge shot would make wonders to score on this Hannibal hole.

Hole 8 Par 3 S.I 13

  • Black-186 meters- 205 yards
  • Gold-174 meters-191 yards
  • White-161 meters-187 yards
  • Red- 135 meters-149 yards

This par 3 looks easy on the scorecard but it is tough. The tee shot can be mid or long iron but right and left side of this green is water hazard,also the green is protected by greenside bunkers on the right. A good iron shot is important since it set the score on this hole. Missing left would be favorable as the water on the right side is very close to the green.

Hole 9 Par 4 S.I 9

  • Black-329 meters- 362 yards
  • Gold-304 meters-334 yards
  • White-279 meters-307 yards
  • Red- 237 meters-261 yards

This 9th hole was named The Choice. The choice is the preference on the tee shot. A brave tee shot between the bunkers and the lake on the left side of the fairway shortens the hole quite a bit. A tee shot on the right is safer, but adds 2 clubs to your approach.The fairway bunker should be avoided for good score. . It is 222 meters(244 yards) to carry the second fairway bunker from black tees, 197 meters(217 yards) from gold tees, 171 meters (188 yards) meters from white tees and 126 meters(139 yards) from red tees. The green is protected by water hazard on the left and the greenside bunker on the right. The approach shot is quite tough but if the player finds the green , it is less challenging to do 2 putts.

Hole 10 Par 4 S.I 16

  • Black-361 meters- 397 yards
  • Gold-330 meters-363 yards
  • White-308 meters-339 yards
  • Red- 284 meters-312 yards

This was named the Key and it is the third easiest hole on the golf course. This hole is a dog leg right, so the tee shot is very essential to score. A gentle fade to the wide part of the fairway is the sensible strategy. Staying clear of the cliff wall on the left edge of the green would be a smart play. It is 241 meters(265 yards) to carry the fairway bunkers from black tees, 217 meters(239 yards) from gold tees, 217(239 yards) meters from white tees and 172 meters(189 yards) from red tees.

Hole 11 Par 4 S.I 12

  • Black-366 meters- 403 yards
  • Gold-343 meters-377 yards
  • White-309 meters-320 yards
  • Red- 277 meters-305 yards

This slight dog leg right twelth is a par 4. The tee shot is very important to have good score on this hole. The bunker on the right side of the fairway must be avoided at all costs. It is 250 meters(275 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees, 228 meters(251 yards) from gold tees, 193 meters (212 yards)  from white tees and 163 meters(179 yards) from red tees.  A steady drive to the top of the slope leaves you a beautiful approach between the lakes. There’s no lay-up here, so make sure you have enough club to reach the green. The deep greenside bunker on the left side protects the green so slightly right approach would be safer for better scoring.

Hole 12 Par 5 S.I 8

  • Black-433 meters- 476 yards
  • Gold-422 meters-464 yards
  • White-390 meters-420 yards
  • Red- 363 meters-399 yards

This hole was a long par 4, and then the golf club converted this hole to a par 5. The tee shot is less challenging compared to other ones on the golf course. The tee shot includes three bunkers on the right. They must be avoided to go lower on this hole. It is 227 meters(250 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees, 217 meters( 239 yards) from gold tees, 161 meters (177 yards)  from white tees and 134 meters(147 yards) from red tees.  Long hitters can reach to the green after a good tee shot. The fairway bunkers are in play so they should be carried to keep the ball online. This is very scoreable and short par 5 so it is important to keep the ball on the fairway to score in the Eucalyptus drive.

Hole 13 Par 4 S.I 10

  • Black-401 meters- 441 yards
  • Gold-356 meters-392 yards
  • White-332 meters-365 yards
  • Red- 300 meters-330 yards

The thirteenth hole par 4 was named spectacles, referring fairway bunkers before the green. The tee shot offers slight challenge as both left and right side of the fairway is forrest. The fairway bunker on the left side is a treat but if avoided, it is very advantegous for the approach shot. Drive it between the tall trees and take lots of club to carry “the spectacles”. Once the green is found, then it will be very easy green to putt.

Hole 14 Par 4 S.I 4

  • Black-373 meters- 410 yards
  • Gold-326 meters- 359 yards
  • White-296 meters-326 yards
  • Red- 270 meters-297 yards

This par 4 was named Bunkered referring the bunkers in the middle of the fairway. The tee shot is testing since the fairway is surounded with 4 bunkers, 1 on left and 3 on right. To avoid the bunkers is the goal here as they are deep and ready to cause problems for players. It is 226 meters(249 yards) to carry the fairway bunkers from black tees, 181 meters( 192 yards) from gold tees, 152 meters (177 yards)  from white tees and 125 meters(138 yards) from red tees. Missing right would be a problem since far right is water hazard. The approach shot is slightly challenging since the green is protected by three greenside bunkers.

Hole 15 Par 4 S.I 14

  • Black-393 meters- 432 yards
  • Gold-367 meters- 404 yards
  • White-340 meters-373 yards
  • Red- 293 meters-322 yards

This hole long but scorable,as it both left and right side of the fairway is forrest.The tee shot is slightly challenging as the fairway is protected well by bunkers both left and right. It is 243 meters(267 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees,  233 meters( 256 yards) from gold tees, 191 meters (210 yards)  from white tees and 136 meters(150 yards) from red tees.The approach shot is pretty straightforward, only test is to avoid the bunkers on the left side of the green. This is hole is the calm before the storm.

Hole 16 Par 5 S.I 6

  • Black-539 meters- 593 yards
  • Gold-445 meters- 490 yards
  • White-433 meters-476 yards
  • Red- 366 meters-403 yards

This par 5  is extremely challenging and has beautiful view . This dog leg right has water in right and forrest on left side of the fairway. The choice is the key on this one as long hitters can try to cross the water from right side, whereas short hitters can play more conservative and keep the ball on the left side of the fairway.The fairway is covered by 3 bunkers, 2 on left 1 on the center. It is 301 meters(331 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees,  224 meters( 246 yards) from gold tees, 214 meters (235 yards)  from white tees and 140 meters(154 yards) from red tees. Second shot can be lay up towards left side or if the water is crossed, then second shot will be long iron to the green. The green is protected by greenside bunker on left, and water hazard both infront and back.

Hole 17 Par 3 S.I 18

  • Black-174 meters- 191 yards
  • Gold-137 meters- 150 yards
  • White-132 meters-145 yards
  • Red- 110 meters-121 yards

This is the easiest hole on the golf course once you’re through the gap in the pines.The green is protected by three green side bunkers. The club choice is the key on this short par 3 as it will be determining the score. The green small but it is easy to score.

Hole 18 Par 4 S.I 2

  • Black-404 meters- 444 yards
  • Gold-386 meters- 425 yards
  • White-363 meters-400 yards
  • Red- 335 meters-369 yards

A spectacular finish, with the Taurus Mountains in the distance. The tee shot is quite challenging as the water on the right side is in play. The left of the fairway there are two bunkers. It is 270  meters(297 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from black tees,  252 meters( 277 yards) from gold tees, 229 meters (253 yards)  from white tees and 201 meters(221 yards) from red tees. The approach shot is also testing as the water on left and fairway bunkerss are in play. The finishing hole of Sultan Golf Course is stressful but the view of Taurus Mountains makes this hole more relaxing to play.

Pasha Golf Course

  • White-5731 meters- 6304 yards
  • Gold-5360 meters- 5896 yards
  • Red-4911 meters-5402 yards
  • Blue- 4326 meters-4759 yards

Hole 1 Par 4 S.I 7

  • White-350 meters- 385 yards
  • Gold-338 meters- 372 yards
  • Red -313 meters-344 yards
  • Blue- 261 meters-287 yards

The opening hole of the Pasha Golf Course is a open wide par 4. The tee shot is fairly easy, with the on the left side a forest and a fairway bunker is present so it is optimal to keep the ball on the right side of the fairway. It is 212 meters(234 yards) to carry the second fairway bunker from white tees, 201 meters(221 yards) from gold tees, 171 meters (188 yards) meters from red tees and 126 meters(139 yards) from blue tees. The approach shot is slightly uphill but straightforward, only challenge is to keep the ball right side, since the greenside bunker on the left is in play. 

Hole 2 Par 3 S.I 17

  • White-138 meters- 151 yards
  • Gold-118 meters- 130 yards
  • Red -106 meters-116 yards
  • Blue- 106 meters-116 yards

The second hole is a short and the second easiest hole on the golf course. The green is protected by bunkers both left and right side. The green is long and narrow so the club selection depends on the pin position. The green is slopped and offers good challenge for golfers.

Hole 3 Par 4 S.I 13

  • White-292 meters- 321 yards
  • Gold-272 meters- 299 yards
  • Red -231 meters-254 yards
  • Blue - 198 meters-217 yards

The third hole was named Turtles Crossing and referring bunkers on the left side. It is 231 meters(254 yards) to reach the fairway bunkers from white tees,  209 meters( 221 yards) from gold tees, 170 meters (187 yards)  from white tees and 137 meters(151 yards) from red tees. Players must keep the ball right side of the fairway to avoid the fairway bunkers. The green is protected by long bunker on the left side and small bunker on right. The correct club selection is very important to score on this hole.

Hole 4 Par 4 S.I 9

  • White-295 meters- 325 yards
  • Gold-278 meters- 306 yards
  • Red -258 meters-284 yards
  • Blue – 230 meters-253 yards

This hole was named Ancient Pine as the pine tree is between the fairway and the green. This hole is dog leg right so it is better to keep the ball more on the left side of the fairway. The tee shot can be straight towards the left of the ancient pine.  It is 243 meters(267 yards) to reach the end of the fairway from white tees,  227 meters( 250 yards) from gold tees, 206 meters (227 yards)  from blue tees and 180 meters(198 yards) from red tees. The approach shot will be a blind one and the green is very slopped so it will be a tricky one.The green is protected by greenside bunkers on the left so it would be better to keep the ball on right side of the green.

Hole 5 Par 3 S.I 11

  • White-138 meters- 152 yards
  • Gold-110 meters- 121 yards
  • Red -102 meters-112 yards
  • Blue – 80 meters-88 yards

This Par 3 is one of the toughest par 3s on the Pasha Golf Course.The left side of the green is covered with water hazard. The right side of the green is aimed towards the water so players must be careful to the club selection. Maybe an extra club would be helpful to reach well protected green.

Hole 6 Par 5 S.I 3

  • White-461 meters- 507 yards
  • Gold-435 meters- 479 yards
  • Red -394 meters-423 yards
  • Blue – 331 meters-364 yards

The 6 th hole is a par 5 and it was named Home In Two. Eventough it is the third challenging hole on the golf course, it actually scoreable. The tee shot is important to score, if the bunkers on the right are avoided, then there is a good chance set up a birdie. The green is protected by 2 bunkers on right and a bunker on the left. A good club selection on the approach shot would make wonders to go low.

Hole 7 Par 3 S.I 15

  • White-142 meters- 156 yards
  • Gold-126 meters- 139 yards
  • Red -108 meters-119 yards
  • Blue – 90 meters-99 yards

This par 3 is the 4th easiest hole on the golf course. It was named the Short Walk as it is short and easy. The only challenge on the tee shot is the greenside bunker on the right side. The good club selection is the key here to success.

Hole 8 Par 4 S.I 5

  • White-456 meters- 502 yards
  • Gold-436 meters- 480 yards
  • Red -411 meters-452 yards
  • Blue – 367 meters-404 yards

This par 5 is the fifth challenging hole on the golf course. The dog leg par offers a good challenge on the tee shot, as the player should make a choice. Long hitters can try to carry the bunkers on the left. Short hitters can play right side of the bunker as it is a safe spot. It is 235 meters(258 yards) to carry the left fairway bunkers from white tees,  217 meters( 239 yards) from gold tees, 194 meters (213 yards)  from red tees and 148 meters(163 yards) from blue tees. The second shot is less challenging, only challenge is the forest both left and right. The green is protected by a a greenside bunker on the left, so good selection would be the key to success.

Hole 9 Par 4 S.I 1

  • White-417 meters- 459 yards
  • Gold-399 meters- 439 yards
  • Red -377 meters-415 yards
  • Blue – 330 meters-363 yards

This hole is the longest par 4 on the golf course. The fairway is surrounded by lots of bunkers. To avoid them, right side of the must be aimed. .It is 260 meters(286 yards) to carry the left fairway bunkers from white tees,  241 meters( 265 yards) from gold tees, 220 meters (242 yards)  from red tees and 174 meters(191 yards) from blue tees.  The approach shot will be a long one and also players should be beware of the steep slope at the front of the green,so an extra club would help players to score.

Hole 10 Par 5 S.I 6

  • White-465 meters- 512 yards
  • Gold-440 meters- 484 yards
  • Red -414 meters-455 yards
  • Blue – 375 meters-413 yards

The opening hole of the second nine is a par 5. The tee shot is fairly easy, right side of the fairway is forest, on thr left side of the fairway few bunkers are present. Keeping the ball on the left side of the fairway would be more rational as if missed right, trees are blocking the green. It is 243 meters(267 yards) to reach to the left three from white tees,   217 meters( 239 yards) from gold tees, 191 meters (210 yards)  from red tees and 153 meters(168 yards) from blue tees.  Players should watch out the fairway bunker on the left side for the second shot. If it is avoided, then a good score can be made.For the approach shot, players should keep in mind about the greenside bunker on right and water on back of the green.

Hole 11 Par 4 S.I 14

  • White-265 meters- 292 yards
  • Gold-244 meters- 268 yards
  • Red -217 meters-239 yards
  • Blue – 191 meters-210 yards

The 11th hole is a short but tricky par 4. Players can take their chance and try to reach the green, but they must be aware of the water on left and greenside bunkers on the both left and right. If they want to play conservative, they can play to the three on right side of the fairway.  It is 231 meters(254 yards) to carry the second bunker on the right from white tees,  211 meters( 232 yards) from gold tees, 185 meters (204 yards)  from red tees and 160 meters(176 yards) from blue tees.The approach shot will be short but the green is well protected by bunkers.

Hole 12 Par 4 S.I 16 

  • White-306 meters- 336 yards
  • Gold-281 meters- 309 yards
  • Red -256 meters-282 yards
  • Blue – 230 meters-252 yards

This par 4 is the third easiest hole on the golf course.The tee shot is the real challenge on this easy looking hole.It is narrow and both left and right side of the fairway is forest. Also, players should watch out the stream both left and right. It is 237 meters(260 yards) to carry the left stream from white tees,  213 meters( 234 yards) from gold tees, 187 meters (206 yards)  from red tees and 161 meters(177 yards) from blue tees.The approach will be short, players need to mind the greenside bunker on the left.

Hole 13 Par 5 S.I 4

  • White-452 meters- 497 yards
  • Gold-435 meters- 479 yards
  • Red -392 meters-421 yards
  • Blue – 367 meters-404 yards

This hole is the fourth toughest hole on the Pasha Course. It was named the dilemma since the player has a choice to make. The tee shot is where the dilemma starts. The aggresive tee shot can be played right across the water. It is 237 meters(260 yards) to carry the water from right side,  213 meters( 234 yards) from gold tees, 187 meters (206 yards)  from red tees and 161 meters(177 yards) from blue tees. More conservative  tee shot can be played more left side of the fairway, stayimg away from the water hazard on right. The second shot is tricky, long hitters  can reach in two shot. Players should mind the water and the greenside bunker on the right. The approach will be slightly easy and inviting to find the green.

Hole 14 Par 4 S.I 12

  • White-336 meters- 370 yards
  • Gold-309 meters- 340 yards
  • Red -281 meters-309 yards
  • Blue – 248 meters-273 yards

This par 4 is a slightly dogleg to the right. The tee shot is slightly easy as the fairway is wide. Missing the ball left side of the fairway is a mistake since the forest is present. Right side of the fairway is the place to play. Right fairway bunker is in play so it is a must to avoid to have good score. It is 234 maters(257 yards) from white tees to the fairway bunker on the right, 208 meters(228 yards) from gold tees, 182 meters( 200 yards) from red tees, 150 meters(165 yards ) from blue tee. The approach shot will be short but slightly tricky as the green is small and protected by greenside bunker on the left.

Hole 15 Par 4 S.I 2

  • White-380 meters- 418 yards
  • Gold-358 meters- 394 yards
  • Red -329 meters-362 yards
  • Blue – 310 meters-341 yards

This is the second toughest hole on the golf course. The tee shot offers a good challenge as left side is water hazard and right side a fairway bunker is present.It is 240 meters(264 yards) to reach the fairway bunker  from white tees,216 meters (238 yards) from gold tees, 189 meters(208 yards) from red tees, 169 meters( 186 yards) from blue tees. The approach shot is still challenging as the water on left, greenside bunkers and forrest on right is in play. A good club selection would be the key to score on this difficult par 4.

Hole 16 Par 4 S.I 8

  • White-358 meters- 394 yards
  • Gold-338 meters- 372 yards
  • Red -312 meters-343 yards
  • Blue – 267 meters-294 yards

The sixteenth is slightly dogleg left and it is a par 4. The tee shot is very important on this hole, it can determine the score. Players should keep their tee shot down the right of the fairway bunker on the left. It is 215 meters( 237 yards) to reach the fairway bunker on the left, 196 meters(215 yards) from gold tees, 169 meters( 186 yards) from red tees and 127 meters(140 yards) from blue tees. The approach shot is slightly tricky as the green is protected by a greenside bunker on the left, so one club extra would be helpful for the approach shot.

Hole 17 Par 3 S.I 18

  • White-132 meters- 145 yards
  • Gold-117 meters- 129 yards
  • Red -114 meters-125 yards
  • Blue – 95 meters-105 yards

This par 3 is the easiest hole on the course. The green is shallow and left side is water so correct yardage and the club selection are tools to success on this short par 3. Players also need to make sure that they carry the bunkers infront of the green. If the shot is too long, then the ball might end up in the water. This cute looking par 3 can cause problem if the club choice is off.

Hole 18 Par 4 S.I 10

  • White-348 meters- 385 yards
  • Gold-326 meters- 359 yards
  • Red -296 meters-309 yards
  • Blue – 248 meters-273 yards

The finishing hole of the Pasha course is an inviting par 4. The tee shot is fairly easy as the fairway is wide and welcoming. Only challenge is fairway bunkers on the middle of the fairway.It is 234 meters(257 yards) to carry the small bunker on the left from white tees, 213 meters(234 yards) from gold tees, 183 meters(201 yards) from red tees and 139 meters(153 yards) from blue tees.The approach shot is slightly easy, as only challenge is the greenside bunker on the right. This finishing hole has a great view as it includes the beautiful clubhouse of the Antalya Golf Club.










Das Kempinski The Dome Hotel ist eines der beliebtesten Golfhotels im Golfparadies Belek. Da das Hotel über 2 Golfplätze verfügt, ist es ein sehr bevorzugtes Hotel für Golfer.

Die herrlichen Golfplätze PGA Sultan und der Pasha Golfplatz befinden sich direkt hinter dem Kempinski The Dom Hotel.


Das Kempinski Hotel The Dome befindet sich in Belek - Üç Kum Tepesi und liegt 10 km vom Zentrum von Belek, 25 km vom Flughafen Antalya und 35 km vom Stadtzentrum von Antalya entfernt.


Die Zimmer mit Meer- oder Golfblick sind entsprechend Ihren Bedürfnissen ausgestattet. Jeder Moment, in dem Sie in stilvollen und komfortablen Zimmern mit moderner Dekoration wohnen, wird zu einem unvergesslichen Moment.

An bestimmten Wochentagen können Sie Ihren Urlaub mit Live-Musik verschönern.

Für einen aktiven Urlaub können Sie die vom Resort angebotenen Wassersport-, Golf- und Tennisaktivitäten nutzen. Sportbegeisterten Gästen steht ein gut ausgestattetes Fitnesscenter zur Verfügung.

Für den Komfort der Gäste verfügt die Einrichtung über Wäscherei, chemische Reinigung, drahtloses Internet und Flughafentransfer; Es gibt auch einen Tagungsraum mit Büroeleganz für Geschäftsreisende.


Das Kempinski The Dome Hotel ist eines der besten All-Inclusive-Golfhotels in Antalya und bietet sehr vorteilhafte Golfpakete. Wenn Sie einen unvergesslichen All-Inclusive-Golfurlaub in der Türkei verbringen möchten, ist das Kempinski The Dome Hotel der perfekte Ort für Sie.


Die hoteleigenen Plätze Pasha und PGA Sultan gehören zu den beliebtesten Golfplätzen in Belek und bieten Ihnen ein einzigartiges Golferlebnis. Da PGA Sultan ein schwierigerer Platz ist, könnten einige Golfer auf diesem Platz Schwierigkeiten haben. Aber mit seinem großartigen Design ist es ein Golfplatz, den jeder Golfer ausprobieren sollte.


Der Pasha Golfplatz ist einfacher zu spielen als der PGA Sultan. Allerdings ist auf die Bäume und Bunker auf den Fairways zu achten.


Für das Kempinski The Dome Hotel haben wir als fantastische      All-Inclusive-Golfpakete für Sie zusammengestellt. Wir möchten Ihnen mit unserem deutschsprachigen Personal einen wunderschönen Golfurlaub in Belek bieten. Alle unsere Golfpakete bieten wir Ihnen mit Preisgarantie an. Wenn Sie einen All-Inclusive-Golfurlaub wünschen, verpassen Sie diese Gelegenheit nicht.

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